In Buddhist Psychotherapy, there are many specific characteristics we can apply for spiritual development. Mental disorder is connected with both physical aspects and psychological aspects. In the Buddhist points of view, it is believed that we have to make an effort to tame our minds to overcome such abnormal behavior.
When we treat mental problems, we have to consider a wide concept of consciousness in humanity. This is a special characteristic. It is said that there exist seven abodes of consciousness. Fifty-four types of consciousness occur in the seven abodes. They are: twenty three types of resultant consciousness, twenty types of moral and immoral consciousness and eleven types of functional consciousness. It is clear that how much consciousness is important and powerful. What's more, mind is a vital factor regarding existences. Mind is a real creator of good and bad destination. Now we can see everything is mind-made. Mental disorders are directly related to defilements such as Lobha, Dosa and Moha. Mind becomes impure when it is overwhelmed with such defilements, thus it brings sorrow stress and anxiety. The concept of consciousness is therefore very important while treating mental problems.
When faced with such problem, Buddhists attempt to deal it with the power of ethical practice. Ethical codes are key factors to direct the mind towards either good condition or specific aim and object of life. It is true that one can overcome mental disorder and abnormal behavior with clear and direct ethical path leading to Nibbana. We have to try to replace impure mind full of greed, hatred and delusion with pure mind endowed with non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. The negative side of mind is overwhelmed with unwholesome thoughts while the positive side of mind is connected with wholesome thoughts. Then, what we have got to do is to lead a patient to a positive way of thinking and living. The key to deal with the problems is nothing but morality or ethical codes.
By removing negative things from the mind to some extent, one can surely attain so many benefits that one lead a healthy and happy life. What’s more, social harmony and any other mundane benefits also will come to his life sooner or later. There is a great deal of benefit in harnessing the mind. This is because mind is predominance in human personality. It is said in the Dhammapada that Mano pubbangama dhamma, Mano settha mano maya---mind is the forerunner of all good or bad states, mind is the chief of all. A well-tamed mind brings happiness (cittam dantan sukhavaham). Then, it is clear that one should control one’s mind to gain both mundane and supra-mundane benefits.
While trying to treat such and such problems, what we have to do is to control internal factors, but not to control external things. This is also an important characteristic. There are three kinds of level regarding mental problems: likes, dislikes and reflection of that object. It can be understood that likes and dislikes are human natures to things or actions of the world. It is clear that Lobha, Dosa and Moha or Abhijja, Byapada and Micchaditthi are considered as vital factors in the Buddhist psychotherapy. They are the main creators of mental problems as well as abnormal behaviors. No one can deny that where there increases unwholesome mental development, there break out a lot of problems. In association with one another not only in the family but also in the society, we should attempt to reduce such problems, controlling the mind. By doing so, we may come across likes and dislikes in our minds. We can’t avoid them in daily life. It is said that even Arahants have likes and dislikes without attachments to things. We can’t get everything we like.
It is the nature of the world. In the Ratthapasasutta of Majjimapannasa, it is said that the world is needy; the world becomes enslave of craving; the world is violently burning with greed, hatred, delusion, jealousy and so on. This is why we have to control the mind to lead a better way of living or to attain real mental health, instead of controlling external factors. To cure mental problem is to control the mind. Health is the highest gain—Arogya parama lahba--. The true is that if we want to develop spiritual progress, we have to control internal factors. There is no doubt that ultimate mental health cannot be achieved without eradicating greed, hatred and delusion. The real mental health is indeed the attainment of Nibbana or when your mind become pure. Purity is when mind is free from mental defilement such as greed, hatred and delusion and so on.
The best way to overcome the problems is to preserve morality and to develop concentration and wisdom. Now we can clearly see from the facts mentioned above that Buddhist psychotherapy emphasizes on such specific characteristics to treat mental disorder and abnormal behavior. One who wants to attain real mental happiness should apply those specific characteristics of Buddhist psychotherapy.
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